Since 1986, ASci Corporation has provided high quality environmental science and engineering support for research and development programs worldwide. Our team of managers, scientists, and engineers have lead and/or participated in major environmental research projects for federal and commercial clients.
In addition, ASci scientists and engineers assist clients in areas including hydrological and hydrodynamic water quality modeling, sediment transport studies, regulatory analysis, environmental
impact assessment, economic analyses, cultural and archaeological resource studies, and GIS/CADD mapping services.
ASci provides a broad range of environmental services, please click on the links below for more information.
Sediment Quality
Examples of our project experience include the following:
Environmental Services, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Afghanistan Engineer District, Kabul, Afghanistan
Global Climate Change Research Project, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
Toxicity Identification Evaluations, U.S. EPA, Duluth, MN
Chemical Fate and Transport Effects Research, U.S. EPA, Athens, GA
Research Support Services for the Waterways Experiment Station,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS
Natural Resource Management Studies, U.S. Department of Interior, Jamestown, ND
Ecological Research Studies, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA
National Wet Weather Demonstration Project, Wayne County/Camp Dresser & McKee, Detroit, MI